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ECDC’den 2018 Nisan Ayında 8 Yeni Yayın

Rapid risk assessments


Hospital-acquired malaria infections in the European Union
Date of publication: 30 April 2018Following the occurrence of several hospital-acquired malaria cases in the European Union (EU), ECDC has assessed the risk related to transmission of the parasite in hospital settings.Available from the ECDC website



Candida auris in healthcare settings – Europe
Date of publication: 23 April 2018This rapid risk assessment update appraises the risk for spread of C. auris in hospitals in the European Union and European Economic Area (EU/EEA) countries, considering the newly available information from the ECDC survey on the epidemiological situation as well as laboratory capacity and preparedness for C.auris in EU/EEA countries.First update available from the ECDC website



Dengue outbreak in Réunion, France
Date of publication: 16 April 2018A dengue outbreak of unusual magnitude is currently taking place in the French Outermost Region of Réunion. Aedes albopictus mosquitoes are considered to be the principal vector of dengue virus in Réunion. Dengue virus (DENV) transmission in Réunion is not unexpected: over the last ten years a number of limited dengue outbreaks have been reported on the island.Available from the ECDC website

Technical report


EU Laboratory Capability Monitoring System (EULabCap): Report on 2016 survey of EU/EEA country capabilities and capacities
Date of publication: 30 April 2018This report for 2016, which presents the indicator results for European Union and European Economic Area (EU/EEA) countries, aims to help policymakers identify possible areas for action and to evaluate the impact of capacity strengthening activities and health system reforms.Available from the ECDC website

Surveillance reports


Measles and rubella surveillance – 2017
Date of publication: 23 April 2018The report on measles and rubella for 2017 is based on surveillance data retrieved from the European Surveillance System (TESSy) on 28 February 2018.Available from the ECDC website



Monthly measles and rubella monitoring report, April 2018
Date of publication: 13 April 2018ECDC publishes a monthly surveillance report on measles and rubella data submitted by the 30 EU/EEA countries. ECDC also monitors European and worldwide measles outbreaks through epidemic intelligence and reports on them on a monthly basis in the Communicable Disease Threat Reports (CDTR).Available from the ECDC website



Annual Epidemiological Report series on communicable diseases in Europe
Date of publication: released as new disease chapters become availableThe Annual Epidemiological Report series on communicable diseases in Europe provides a comprehensive summary of surveillance data for EU/EEA countries. It is mainly intended for public health professionals and policymakers involved in infectious disease prevention and control.All disease chapters and summary for 2014 on the ECDC website
Chapter on anthrax for 2015 on the ECDC website
Chapter on botulism for 2015 on the ECDC website
Chapter on brucellosis for 2015 on the ECDC website
Chapter on campylobacteriosis for 2015 on the ECDC website
Chapter on giardiasis for 2015 on the ECDC website
Chapter on leptospirosis for 2015 on the ECDC website
Chapter on listeriosis for 2015 on the ECDC website
Chapter on salmonellosis for 2015 on the ECDC website
Chapter on shigellosis for 2015 on the ECDC website
Chapter on typhoid and paratyphoid fever for 2015 on the ECDC website
Chapter on yersiniosis for 2015 on the ECDC website



ECDC communicable disease threats report
Date of publication: every FridayThe ECDC communicable disease threats report is a weekly bulletin intended for epidemiologists and health professionals in the area of communicable disease prevention and control. Summarising information gathered by ECDC through its epidemic intelligence activities regarding communicable disease threats of concern to the European Union, it also provides updates on the global situation and changes in the epidemiology of communicable diseases with potential to affect Europe, including diseases that are the focus of eradication efforts.Available from the ECDC website

Scientific peer-reviewed publications


Publications by ECDC staff in scientific journals

All scientific peer-reviewed publications produced by ECDC staff on behalf of the Centre for the period January 2005 – June 2017 are available online.Available from the ECDC website